time axis is discrete whereas in continuous single time axis is continuous .
A continuous signal or a continuous-time signal is a varying quantity (a signal) whose domain, which is often time, is a continuum (e.g., a connected interval of the reals). That is, the function's domain is an uncountable set. The function itself need not be continuous. To contrast, a discrete time signal has a countable domain, like the natural numbers.
A digital signal is discrete-time signal for which not only the time but also the amplitude has been made discrete; in other words, its samples take on only values from a discrete set
A deterministic signal is a signal in which each value of the signal is fixed and can be determined by a mathematical expression, rule, or table.
A non-deterministic signal has a lot of uncertainty about its behavior. The future values of a random signal cannot be accurately predicted and can usually only be guessed based on the averages of sets of signals For a non-deterministic signal the physical phenomenon cannot be represented mathematically.
Periodic signals repeat with some period T , while aperiodic, or nonperiodic, signals do not . We can define a periodic function through the following mathematical expression, where t can be any number and T is a positive constant:
The fundamental period of our function, f(t) , is the smallest value of T that the still allows Equation 1 to be true.
(a) A periodic signal with period |
ENERGY SIGNALIf the total energy of a signal is a finite non-zero value, then that signal is classified as an energy signal.Typically the signals which are not periodic turns out to be energy signals. For example, a single rectangular pulse and a decaying exponential signal are energy signals.POWER SIGNAL
If power of a signal is a finite non-zero value and its energy is infinite, then that signal is classified as a power signal.
The unit step
The unit step function is equal to zero when its index is negative and equal to one for non-negative indexes
Ramp signalThe Step signal can be interpreted as a ramp of width zero, when the ramp is defined as followsSignum signal
The signum function of a real number x is defined as follows:
Rectangular pulseThe impulse signalThe impulse function, also known as Dirac delta function or Dirac impulse, is defined by
A linear system is a mathematical model of a system based on the use of a linear operator. Linear systems typically exhibit features and properties that are much simpler than the general,nonlinear case. As a mathematical abstraction or idealization, linear systems find important applications in automatic control theory, signal processing, and telecommunications. For example, the propagation medium for wireless communication systems can often be modeled by linear systems.
A general deterministic system can be described by operator,
as well as their respective outputs
then a linear system must satisfy
for any scalar values
Nonlinear system
nonlinear system is one that does not satisfy the superposition principle, or one whose output is not directly proportional to its input
Time-invariant system
A time-invariant (TIV) system is one whose output does not depend explicitly on time.
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